It Had Better Be Good

And it was! It certainly was.

I try to spend the major part of each day in the painting studio. Not enough painting time sends me into a real funk. If I can't be painting, whatever I am doing better be good. Yesterday's theatre trip was. Yesterday's performance of the Shakespeare's Globe production of Twelfth Night did only great things for my mood.

Mark Rylance and all the other wonderful actors, the amazing words that I heard more clearly than I ever had, the set, the pre-show in which actors put on their costumes, the music, the lighting, the curtain call were brilliant. And, of course, the candles. When you enter the theatre, you instantly smell the beeswax from the burning candle chandeliers over the stage. The smell is warm and inviting. Something in this production for every one of the senses. It was Kandinsky's ideal of the Gesamtkunstwerk, the total work of art. I was not so far from painting after all.


From the Darkness into the Light of Jazz


Just Do It, Just Make the Change